Thursday, January 14, 2010

Executive question 1

1. What are the form and informal powers of the President? Why are the informal roles more important?

Executive question 2

2. What is the role of the president during a war?

Executive question 3

3. What are the effects of executive orders, executive agreements, executive privilege, impoundment of funds, and signing statements? Define each term.

Executive question 4

4. What is the role of the President in forming a national budget?

Executive question 5

5. What is the relationship between the President and Congress? Discuss the factors that lead to conflict in executive-legislative relations.

Executive question 6

6. How frequently does the President veto/threaten to veto? What are the consequences of a threatened veto? How frequently are vetoes overridden?

Executive question 7

7. To what extent does the President have the power to persuade?